I have little time to spare, but I try to keep every moment of my spare time occupied. I’m all the time looking for amusement. I don’t like to spend every available moment reading, spend the entire winter in a heated, TV- equipped environment or to be indoors with my feet up, instead of chasing for dreams. In my leisure moments I like to have a ling soak in the bath, but most of all I like to be away from home, away from the watchful eyes of my parents. I usually like to be centered with my own company. I enjoy outdoor pursuits, but I can also take a nap with a good book. Besides all these things I can also participate in sports, hang out in the streets, play video games, complete crosswords and visit theatres. I like o mix work with pleasure. For example, I can do my homework and listen to the music. So I have a multiplicity of interests, indoors and out, intellectual and athletic. 

When I was a little girl, I was fond of playing on the swings, hide- and- seek, trains and dolls, but now I’m a teenager and my interests have changed. I like gong hiking, backpacking, mountain climbing, swimming and disco dancing. I always try to make up a perfect day off with interesting events at different times – from waking until sleeping. Interests and hobbies, as you know, are many and varied: pubs, arts, music, animals, cooking, wining and dining. I think, that people with hobbies never complain of being bored and dull. Hobby can give you pleasure, satisfaction and knowledge, it can cure the stress, it keeps our mind active and of course it makes our life more interesting. Some people collect something as a hobby. So, I would like to tell you about it. Collectors can be different: butterfly, rare book, fanatical, knowledgeable collectors. They can also collect horse brasses, sedan chairs, stamps, coins and currencies, old beer cans, pipes and other things. I think, that people who collect tombs, coffins and dentures are crazy, and maybe a lot. Maybe they collect these things, because they want to seek status, to be remembered and they want to be different from others. 
I also have my own collection. I think it’s a very beautiful and interesting collection of soft toys. I have already got about 80 different soft toys. They are big and small, beautiful and funny. It is an interesting and unusual collection, I think. And I would like to continue this collection. I collect soft toys, because I want to fill my hours, I want to be different from others. Also I try to make my life more interesting. 
I have another hobby, it is dancing. I take part in dancing. That is why I love going disco dancing. When I hear music, I immediately start to dance. I don’t know why, but I can say that I like and that’s all. 
So as you can see, my interests are many and varied. And I try to employ my spare time in full. 



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