- a Ford car
- a jar of jam
- a jar of cream/ moisturizing cream/ night-care cream/ hand cream/ shaving cream
- a packet of dog biscuits
- a box of eggs
- a ring of pork sausages
- a bottle of salad oil
- a kilo of frozen vegetables
- a can of beer
- a bottle of fruit juice
- a bottle of champagne
- a bunch of grapes
- a packet of noodles
- a beautifully designed double-decker London bus as a souvenir
- a glove puppet of a Yeoman Warder as a souvenir
- a model of Concord
- a box of Lego bricks
- a floor length skirt
- a dress with loose long sleeves
- a spring- folded umbrella
- a pair of Nike running shoes 
- a barbecued chicken
- a T- shirt heralding a musical ground called ‘Coughing Up Blood’
- some descent clothes
- some bread for sandwiches
- a loaf of bread and some butter to spread on it
- a tube of toothpaste and a new toothbrush
- a personal stereo and some cassettes to play on it
- some pieces of bed linen/ table linen
- a photograph frame
- a polo T- shirt / a logo T- shirt, a short- sleeved cotton shirt/ a patterned polo shirt/ a business shirt
- a navy single- breasted two-piece suit/ a pure wool suit
- a pair of wide- leg women’s trousers
- a tweed suitcase 
- a large dried flower arrangement
- an embroidered blanket cover
- an embroidered blanket cover
- an ergonomically designed seating
- a three- seater sofa- bed
- a top – named grand piano such as Bechstein or Blutner
- some pieces of earthware porcelain
- a crystal chandelier
- a modern floor standing lamp
- some soft toys
- some CDs/ Mini Discs/ digital compact cassettes
- a home cinema unit
- a semi- professional back projector video monitor
- a new Trinitron TV
- a portable telephone
- a brass trumpet
- some items of windshield clothing
- a Japanese samurai sword


- by cheque
- cash/ in a cash
- at the check- out
- for something with plastic


- to be sold out
- to sell well
- to go on sale
- to be on sale
- to be for sale
- to go shopping
- to go to the shops to get a few things
- to go window shopping
- to available free of charge
- to blow money on…
- to shop around
- to shop around
- to shop at Harrods
- to bargain for something
- to bargain over the discount
- to bargain on something


- greatly reduced
- sale
- contemporary
- adjusted
- present- day
- high
- low
- fixed
- cheap
- dirt cheap
- dear
- expensive - usual
- rocketing
- real
- reasonable
- half


- get higher
- go sky high
- go up
- change weekly
- shoot up
- rise too much
- rise too fast
- change overtime
- remain stable
- reach an all time high
- be sleep



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