ARE THEY TRUE SHOPPERS? - to wander round the shop looking at goods new outfit
- to browse
- to inspect prices
- o look at the price tags
- to purchase at the last moment
- to wait in long queues (lines - AE) 
- to stand in long queues
- to queue at the check – out
- to make purchases
- to pluck down one’s money
- to ask to give information about…
- to ask to help to find the right thing
- to ask to weight potatoes
- to ask the price
- to try on
- to leave the shop without buying anything
- to leave the shop loaded with goods
- to pay for the purchases
- to look around
- to waste money on dear clothes
- to examine all the goods one intends to buy
- to satisfy oneself over the quality
- to bargain / to offer / to compromise
- to head straight to…
- to lavish a small fortune 


- they only want to see what is out
- they try to buy low
- they hesitate over the choice between two ore more things
- they are uncertain about choosing
- they can’t pay high prices
- they can’t afford spending… on…
- they can’t afford de-luxe models
- they are too stingy
- they are mean with money
- they are not extravagant
- they are misers (they try to spend as little as possible) 
- they don’t throw money around
- they haggle over the prices
- they don’t want to let go of their hard – earned money
- cost is an important consideration for them 
- the goods are awfully/ astronomically/ terribly expensive
- the things they intend to buy is slightly imperfect
- there is nothing to their liking


- ask customers politely what they want
- help customers choose a right dress/ coat/ pair of shoes
- weigh up
- wrap up the purchases in paper
- try to sell high
- try to overcharge the customer
- try to make the customer buy something he/ she doesn’t want



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