On time, in time, at the end, in the end с упражнениями

 On time, in time

At the end, in the end


On time и in time имеют разные значения:

On time означает "пунктуально", "точно в назначенное (по расписанию) время".

The conference was very well organized. Everything began and finished on time. — Конференция была очень хорошо организована. Все начиналось и заканчивалось в назначенное по программе конференции время.

The 11.45 train left on time. — Поезд, назначенный по расписанию на 11.45, отправился вовремя (то есть, в 11.45).


In time — "своевременно для чего-то", "вовремя для чего-то".

I've sent Jill her birthday present. I hope it arrives in time (for her birthday). — Я послал Джил подарок на ее день рождения. Надеюсь, он придет вовремя (к ее дню рождения).

I must hurry. I want to get home in time to see the football match on TV. — Я должен торопитьсяЯ хочу посмотреть футбол по телевизору, поэтому мне надо попасть домой к началу матча. (или что-то в этом роде).

Антоним in time — too late (слишком поздно).

I got home too late to see the football match.

Запомни выражение: just in time — как раз вовремя

We got to the station just in time to catch the train. — Мы приехали на станцию как раз вовремя, чтобы сесть на поезд.

A dog ran across the road in front of my car, but I managed to stop just in time (to avoid hitting the dog). — Собакаперебежала дорогу перед моей машинойно я смог остановиться как раз вовремя (чтобы ее не сбить).



At the end и in the end тоже имеют разные значения.

At the end (of something) — в то время, когда что-то кончается.


At the end of the month — в конце месяца

At the end of the match — в конце матча

At the end of the concert there was applause. — В конце концерта были аплодисменты.

Антоним at the end — at the beginning — в начале


In the end — "в конце концов"

We had a lot of problems with our car. In the end we sold it and bought another one. — У нас с машиной было многопроблемВ конце концов, мы ее продали и купили другую.



Вставь on time или in time.

1.       The bus was late this morning, which is unusual. It's usually ________.

2.       George is usually late for work but this morning he arrived ________.

3.       We had to get in the train without tickets because we didn't get to the station ______ to buy them.

4.       It's a very good train service. The trains always run ________.

5.       Please don't be late for the meeting. We want to begin ________.

6.       I like to get up ___________ to have a big breakfast before going to work.


Вставь at или in.

1. When do you get paid? — ____ the end of the month.

2. I couldn't decide what to get Ann for her birthday. ____ the end I didn't get her anything at all.

3. We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up ______ the end and walked home.

4. I'll be moving to a new address ____ the end of September.

5. Tom didn't want to lend us the money at first but ___the end he agreed.





1. The bus was late this morning, which is unusual. It's usually on time.

2. George is usually late for work but this morning he arrived on time.

3. We had to get in the train without tickets because we didn't get to the station in time to buy them.

4. It's a very good train service. The trains always run on time.

5. Please don't be late for the meeting. We want to begin on time.

6. I like to get up in time to have a big breakfast before going to work.


Вставь at или in.

1. When do you get paid? — At the end of the month.

2. I couldn't decide what to get Ann for her birthday. In the end I didn't get her anything at all.

3. We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up in the end and walked home.

4. I'll be moving to a new address at the end of September.

5. Tom didn't want to lend us the money at first but in the end he agreed.



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